새로운 변화, 새로운 시대를 요구하는 2021년입니다. (주)더아트나인은 미술시장의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고자 하는 글로벌 문화예술 기업입니다. 문화예술이 인류의 역사와 함께한 것과 같이 창의적 정신과 문화예술의 사회적 발전기반을 위한 기업 활동을 지향합니다. 특히, 사회금융의 자산관리 및 IT산업의 기획과 기술혁신의 기반을 확보하면서 미술과 금융, 문화예술과 IT의 융합, 사회속의 문화예술을 실현하기 위한 다양한 활동을 지속하고 있습니다. 특히, 미술문화의 플렛폼을 선보이면서 활기찬 문화예술기업을 지향합니다.
(사)한국예술문화단체총연합회 한국예술문화정책연구위원
(주)더아트나인 대표이사 임영수
더아트나인갤러리 소개
더아트나인갤러리는 (주)더아트나인에서 운영하는 전시문화공간입니다.
어려운 시기를 극복하기 위하여 각 문화권, 각 국가 간의 협업을 위한 온라인 마케팅과 함께 우리나라 미술품을 중심으로 도시와 국가 간의 다양한 문화교류를 마련해 나가고 있습니다. 새로운 시대, 새로운 문화에 대한 대안으로 더욱 발전하는 모습을 지향합니다. 다양하고 활기찬 예술가에 대한 지원과 후원, 국제적 활동에 경주를 다하고 있습니다.
2021년 2월
(사)한국예술문화단체총연합회 한국예술문화정책연구위원
더아트나인갤러리 관장 박정수
Introduction: The Art9(inc.)
Creative arts and culture are a base for humanity. The Art9 (inc.) promises contribution to the development of greater arts and culture.
2020 is a year of new changes and a new era. Watch The Art9 as we strive to cultivate a brighter and more hopeful future of arts and culture. I believe arts and culture were in both close and far relation with the economy in all ages. However, there are many who could not afford an opportunity to enjoy and feel the inspiration of art because of the reality they face and live in. I have always pondered on how to put together arts and culture with the field of asset management and IT industry where I worked for a long time. I am always giving my best to unify the fine arts and finance, arts and culture and Information Technology and actualise the arts that finds its way into the people ever since opening Jeongsu Art Center under The Art9 in 2019.
Jeongsu Art Center, located on Street of Culture (Samcheong-dong, Seoul), promises 2020 to be the year of making real our ambitions of playing a major role in the field of arts and culture. Pinning Jeongsu Art Center as a starting point of globalising Korean arts and culture, we plan to invest and foster in building a bridge connecting the culture of today to the future. The Art9Gallery will compensate for what artists cannot achieve on their own and put special effort to create a new marketing structure for businesspeople and the people who could not get a chance to truly enjoy arts and culture.
We will prioritise and put utmost effort in leading arts and culture towards the greater tomorrow through progressive mindset, adventurous goals and better actions. Thank you.
The Art9(inc.) CEO Lim Yeongsu
Introduction: The Art9 gallery
The Art9 gallery
, founded under The Art9 inc., (121 Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, seoul, South korea) cooperates with experts of various fields to be a pillar of the new paradigm of arts and culture of the 21st century. Jeongsu Art Center, opened through shareholders’ resolutions and collaborations, aims to suggest a new model for the cultural and arts industry of the 21st century.
We are an incorporated enterprise founded by director Park Jeongsu, a long-running figure in the field of art market, CEO Lim Youngsu from IT industrial technological innovation and planning, art-lovers in the asset management fields and the affiliated artists.
The Art9 gallery creates an environment in which arts and culture unite with Information Technology and artists and their works coexist with capitalism. We are trying out various methods to discover new artists, support artists’ social activities and expand overseas. The Art9 galleryr (on 121 Samcheong-ro) will always keep its exhibition hall open to artists to go all out in providing and sponsoring high-quality exhibitions.
The Art9 gallery director Park Jeongsu